Hello Mr Zebra

Work is busy busy, so I am writing after work instead. What am I doing?
I finished the book of Big Fish, and it was good and I liked it.

I’ve been taking class visits and reading “Wolves in the Walls” by Neil Gaiman, which they all get, and like, and laugh at the jokes. It’s great fun. Now I just need to convince the others we should do a poetry module and I can play them Tori Amos reading “Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout”. That would make me happy. I must spread my obsessions…
Last night we had changeling and it was good and I liked it, even though my character had some rather disturbing things happen to him regarding an old love.

I’ve been having nights full of little dreams about things that really happen and things that don’t. I have discovered something. *Every* time I realise that I’m dreaming I use that knowledge to wake up. I never seize control of the dream, I just wake from it. This is a little annoying as I’m sure I could make some cool stuff happen if I tried.
Trademe is still addictive. There are so many My Little Pony’s to be had. I just want so many of them! Just the pretty ones though.

Also, I am very tempted to upload pictures of Evil Demons, just to placate the person who searched for them and got me instead. I will put this off though, and instead watch some more anime. Sailor moon I think, then Azumanga Daioh.

1 thought on “Hello Mr Zebra

  1. I did find some My Little Pony T-shirts on ebay like you asked. They were a little vague on sizes though, so I’m not sure if they had adult ones or not. I reckon you could just about fit a kid’s shirt anyway, you’re so wee.

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