Things I Love Thursday

Roleplaying! I’ve been doing so much of it lately and it’s all been awesome. Especially loving reading everyone’s experiences of Masquerade on Fleet St.

The Oh No They Didn’t Creepy community recently had an awesome post where people are sharing what creeped them out as a kid, in movies and TV. I’m pleased to see Charlie and The Chocolate Factory mentioned, plus The Brave Little Toaster, Return to Oz and certain parts of Neverending Story. I don’t know why I love this so much, but I do. Perhaps because it makes me feel more normal?

I’ve been enjoying various articles on Simple Marriage. It’s like low-key therapy for when you don’t even think you need it. If you’re in a long term relationship I would recommend you check it out (heavily biased towards het relationships by the way). I know I’ve learned lots.

How to be a positive person in 300 words or less . Good old Zen Habits. It always cheers me up.

Last week, after our Buffy game I woke up with a massive pain across my back. I figured I was going crazy and I’d got Calvin’s injury. It really felt like I’d been thrown into a coffee table. Telekinetically. I was OK through work, which indicates that my chair has good back support but in the evening on the couches I started to get really sore again. I finally did a few rounds of EFT on it, working on releasing the tension and the pain. I got my whole aching back down to one specific sore spot which I was able to put a wheat bag on. Magic. If you are into EFT or are curious to try it out I recommend EFTmagic the blog for inspiration.

Going to Auckland tomorrow for a weekend away! We booked a mystery five star hotel, so our digs should be pretty swanky. Plus catching up with Fraser and visiting $3 Japan and Tanuki’s Cave. So, I don’t have an ipod, so I’ve not had access to itunes or anything. is a revelation in which I can just find songs I want and then download them! And they’re like, $1.78 each, which is cheap for a file I’m going to play over and over and over. PLUS you can get free codes for it in chippie packets and pepsi bottles. Right now it’s two for one so if you get a pack of chippies you also get two free songs. It’s neat.

Honourable Mentions:
My slanket, cuddles, pork ribs with BBQ sauce, giving up on books that aren’t awesome, free ice-cream, socks and facebook.

And you, what are you thankful for?

10 thoughts on “Things I Love Thursday

  1. -That photo’s fab:)

    -Return to Oz was FREA-KY!

    -I am always thankful for my Noozle, who is best at looking after me even when I can be a giant grumpo:)

  2. TiLT (Friday morning edition) – You and L coming to visit me up in Auckland on Friday! It’ll be really good to see you guys.

    (Am I allowed to mention your names on the blog?)

  3. TiLT:
    That it is Friday! (ahah!)
    Cute people on the bus, Fridays are such a better day because people look more like themselves.
    Plans to bake gingerbread tonight.
    Window seat.
    Imagining I live in the very top of the tower on the Dominion building.
    Wellington buildings all golden and glowy.
    Woman watering her plants on the top floor of the apartments next door.

    Now I’m just listing things I can see. 🙂

  4. 1) THAT PHOTO. It seems to sum up what the Wellington roleplayers I know are like.

    2) Making new friends. The LARP folks I’m getting to know here are lovely.

    3) Remaking old friends. If you’d like me to explain this one, and I will, but not here, e-mail me (if you have the Camelot e-mail list still in your inbox, I should be there).

    4) Yarn bombing! We’re off out tonight to put up some more handknitted tags- last time we couldn’t stop laughing the whole time we were doing it.

    On the subject of things that creeped you out as a kid, I think I was a special case- I was scared of EV.ERY.THING. From the C’mork in Neverending Story, to the Count (no, I’m not joking) in Sesame Street. I was even quite nervous of Oscar the Grouch. I remember there was a BBC Schools programme called ‘Dark Towers’ about a haunted castle. We had to watch it in class. By the last weekly installment, I was so frightened my Mum had to write me a note excusing me from WATCHING TV.

    It amazes me how heartily I love things like Buffy and Supernatural now.

  5. OMG Yarn bombing! Where do you put them? Do you take photos? I’m so curious to see them 🙂

    Sok and Giffy, I like your lists!

  6. OMG I remember Dark Towers from when I lived in the UK! I LOVED IT!! However, that same year, I was scared of the cartoon Dracula poster in the middle of my Mad magazine and made my mum tape the pages together:/

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